Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Anti-depressants are not for everyone.

I visited my older daughter yesterday for a couple of hours. She is the daughter struggling with anorexia for eleven years and had decided to try another medication.  I think Sally was emboldened by the success her sister seems to be having with a new anti-depressant she is trying.  This is Leah's third trial with meds. Previously she has tried ones which are supposed to have the best results with bulimia and binge eating disorders.  She had felt that while on them she did not feel better but felt that she did not care if she binged.  Professional opinion suggested that she may have resisted the drugs and that may be enough to not allow them to be affective.  It surprised me to know that it can be such a thought controlled outcome.  She now is taking one that after a short time- and it is a faster acting one- she is much brighter in her outlook.  She tells me she has been a month without bingeing, which has gotten her attention.  I believe it has been a year and a half since she has been that successful not bingeing.
Sally just tried a well-known drug this week as prescribed by a psychiatrist.  She has tried two other anti-depressants herself in the last several years.  She had taken one for several months- long enough to know effectiveness for her.  This time in a day or two she had become very slowed and behaved like she is exhausted, if not seemingly under the influence of alcohol.  I was pretty concerned when I saw how she was doing yesterday.  She had decided that she will not proceed taking the drug.  I think it is a good idea.

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